Orange Tigers (7-336) (White Tea, Orange Peel, Cinnamon)

A small white bowl full of white tea, orange peel, and cinnamon.

Sometimes polls are involved in the creation of tea. They can cover anything from “Help me pick a journal page to work up” to “What should I add to the toolbox?” to “I want to make something with this foundation, help me pick which idea to pursue” to “Let’s build a tea from the foundation up” – the scope is pretty varied.

This tea was created via the third of those options. White Tea is something many people have requested I make more blends with. However, as it is a tea I am still making proper friends with it isn’t something that leaps to mind or to hand when thinking about tea.

White Teas are less whim more fun school project that I have to be reminded to do.

After one of the times I was reminded, I spun out a poll with a list of the various ideas, and white tea with cinnamon and orange came out as the front runner.

So, I made the thing.

I then asked for assistance with naming the thing.

My favourite of the suggested options required a bit of a memory refresh, as it had been ages since I’d read the series in question.

That series is CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia.1

I am deeply enthused by the idea of tigers who helped to overthrow a tyrant who wanted to kill off those who were different. In this particular case, it was the magical creatures of Narnia – but there’s a fairly direct real-life analogy that crosses over, there.

The tea is tasty and has a good chance of helping with a sore throat, and the imagery and intent behind the name is something I’ve filed in my head for certain kinds of brain weasel issues.

Now for the basics:

Organic Ingredients: White Tea, Orange Peel, Cinnamon

Batch Size: 2.1 ounces, 59 grams, 35+ servings


Loose Tea (5 serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag)

Teabags (Single Teabag,  serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag)



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  1. Past this point there are spoilers, of a sort, for Prince Caspian.

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