Gnomevember 2024


The seeds for the concept of Gnomevember were found within the creativity and heart of a friend. She sent me gnomes. Which led to sudden world-building thoughts on my side, and sparked a micro-fiction, which I shared in return. The next thing I knew, she was asking me if I Continue Reading →

Build a Tea Project 2023

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Build a Tea

2023 threw down several gauntlets, and SageNatural is planning on creating a tea about it. If you’d like to help, this post contains the poll that will allow for voting on what ingredients should be included. Continue Reading →

End of Year 2023

It’s been quite the year. On a personal level. And that’s without taking into account the bigger picture things that are terrible and remind me that humans are capable of amazing things, in both positive AND negative directions. It was a year I was hoping would be more about reclamation Continue Reading →

The Monthly Brew – July 2023 (Recap)

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series The Monthly Brew

July was a lot. On more levels than I want to think about right now. For me, July always is, to one extent or another, because my brain and fireworks do not interface well. It was a month that surprised me with how hot it was, and this was something Continue Reading →

The Monthly Brew – June 2023 (Recap)

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series The Monthly Brew

June was a hectic month. The deadline for retrieving bits of life from previous domicile was set for the first of July, and no part of that process has been without complication. However, complications aside, the work and play of tea did continue. June saw more tea naming posts, as Continue Reading →