Only the Anacrusis (10-487) (2nd Flush Darjeeling and Earl Grey)

This tea’s story starts, as so many do, with a tea preferences survey. That single survey spawned many tea ideas, quite a few of them foundational blends. The timing was perfect, as the survey appeared shortly before I started work on figuring out what the tea for July 2023’s Tea Continue Reading →

Alderaan’s General (Corvid’s Caravan and Cinnamon)

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Star Wars Beverages

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (or so it feels now) – someone I cared deeply for asked me for a tea that had smoke and cinnamon, but not vanilla. I jury-rigged a test, which went into a fascinating tea object that stayed at the old Continue Reading →

Wednesday’s Child (Organic Coconut Elderberry Black Tea)

The story of Wednesday’s Child begins with a mood board. A friend has been on a stash-busting kick, and said over-arching project has produced many awesome things. The gnomes that are heading out over the of the week are one, and the scarf that the mood board was created for Continue Reading →

Ealing’s Ladies (Baker Street Blend and Lavender)

There are times when the story of a tea is long and involved and other times when it is short, sweet, and mostly about a flavour idea popping into my mind basically fully formed. When Baker Street Blend was first named and the concept of the Tea Series first appeared, Continue Reading →

7-341 (Organic Darjeeling, Heather, and Lavender)

This tea was inspired by some of what occurs in season 4 of The Magicians. That means this tea story comes with a trio of disclaimers. One, it is potentially a bit spoilery, though I will try to keep the exact details to a minimum. Two, for reasons that will Continue Reading →

Sorry I Stabbed You… …Again (Organic Earl Grey, Red Rooibos, Lavender, and Hibiscus) (3-150a)

The story of Sorry I Stabbed You… …Again is deeply connected to the stories of Sorry I Stabbed You and Rise Up. In fact, much of its story has already been told as a part of the explanation for Rise Up. Tea Naming conversations, wherever they end up happening, often Continue Reading →

Baker Street Blend (Organic Black Tea Blend)

Baker Street was the first tea that I blended because I needed it to blend another tea. A friend and tea human sent me a sample of a tea that she wanted to see if I could create a “my way” version of. The theory being that if the original Continue Reading →

Lost in the Mists (Chocolate Lavender Earl Grey)

  May was a hectic month. The first week of it was the last one leading up to the soft reopen, and I realized, as I was coming down to the wire, that I had greatly underestimated how long it would take to get that first short list of teas Continue Reading →

Rise Up (Organic Earl Grey and Rooibos) (7-372)

Tea brings me joy in many ways. People interacting with or thinking about tea often brings the same. This particular tea was born out of the combination of two of the ways that frequently spark or inspire new teas. The first was a pair of tea surveys attached to one Continue Reading →