(Named)Journal 8, Page 384, Teas in Progress

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series Tea Naming

A small white bowl full of a blend of cacao nibs, cinnamon, and orange peel sitting on red wood.

Chocolate Oranges.

Those little foil wrapped balls of fruit-flavoured chocolate have been a part of my life for almost as long as I can remember.

For most of it, they have also been a special seasonal treat.

Mid-December of the First Year of Our Plague (Coronavirus), the idea of a chocolate orange cinnamon tea was dropped into my head.

And it would not go away.

For a decent chunk of time (every day from when it was suggested to when I finally blended it) I’d be merrily going about the tasks of a given day and thoughts and actions, seemingly at random, would be paired with the thought “Or, we could just go figure out the chocolate orange Cinnamon tea idea!”

Not sure if this tea should be named for the seasonal aspect or for the incessant nature of the idea. (Can I Exist Yet?!?!?! Is probably a very silly name for a tea, but that’s the general feel of the idea’s nature.)

Series Navigation<< Journal 8, Page 393, Teas in Progress(Named) Journal 10, Page 480, Teas in Progress >>

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