Eureka: Smoky Monkey (Organic blend of Lapsang Souchong and Golden Monkey)

This entry is part 13 of 1 in the series ChariTeas

The story of Eureka: Smoky Monkey began more years ago than I want to think about right now. It started, as many of my teas do, with a tea survey. In this particular case the list of favourite teas quite frankly terrified me. Silver Needle. Golden Monkey. Things I had Continue Reading →

(Named) Journal 8, Page 429, Teas in Progress

Sometimes when I get to the bottom of a tin of something there isn’t enough left to make a proper cup. However, I hate wasting tea. Depending on what was in a tin, I will drop it in on top of one of my foundational teas. In the case of Continue Reading →

The Monthly Brew (March Recap)

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series The Monthly Brew

March was a somewhat madcap month for me. I’m starting to worry that the date I set for the Soft Reopen may have been a touch ambitious, but not enough so that I’m changing the goal as yet. The short summation for the month is: I put a ton more Continue Reading →