(Named)Journal 2, Page 121, Teas in Progress

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Tea Naming

A metal bowl full of drifts of cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, gunpowder green tea, and black tea.


“A long, long time ago…”

Nevermind, this isn’t actually a song parody post, it is a tea naming post.

However, it been many years since the tale of this tea began.

A blogger reached out to me, asking if I would be willing to donate a few teas for testing and reviewing. In return, Desert Sage Natural would be highlighted on the blog for a month.

Once the answer to that question became a yes, I sent the tea survey. (If I was going to send teas for review, I was going to curate that selection to the individual in question.)

One of the things I wanted to send, after doing my assessment of the survey, was a green tea chai.

To my chagrin, given how many chais were on the books at the time, I didn’t have a green tea chai.

So, I created two.

One with a darker taste and one with a brighter, because I couldn’t decide which one made more sense or which one I preferred to make.

The brighter one became ‘Chai-otic Good’ – this one has languished nameless for many, many, many moons now – years, if I’m being precise rather than vaguely avoidant of the plight of this tea.

Part of the reason it is still languishing is the concept of the tea series.

The foundation of this tea is The Smoking Gun, and the intended theme of that tea series is ghost stories, urban legends, tall tales – things of that nature. 1

If you have a favourite story of that nature that you think will mesh well with a smoky green tea chai, please let me know.

Even if it won’t go with that particular flavour of tea, I’d still love the input, as it would be fodder for future teas where the base is The Smoking Gun.

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Series Navigation<< Journal 2, Page 137, Teas in ProgressJournal 8, Page 393, Teas in Progress >>
  1. The first tea in the series was named The Smoking Nun, after an urban legend in Santa Fe.

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  1. Pingback: The Monthly Brew – July 2023 (Recap) – Desert Sage Natural

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