Tea of the Month Club (Beta)

The Tea of the Month Club has been around for quite some time now. It wasn’t an idea that was there in the beginning, it was something that came up later, after the realization that I create a lot of teas. So many teas. Possibly even too many teas, depending Continue Reading →

The Monthly Brew (March Recap)

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series The Monthly Brew

March was a somewhat madcap month for me. I’m starting to worry that the date I set for the Soft Reopen may have been a touch ambitious, but not enough so that I’m changing the goal as yet. The short summation for the month is: I put a ton more Continue Reading →

The Monthly Brew – February Recap

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series The Monthly Brew

February was quite a full month – despite a relatively late start. The short sum-up is: I put a bunch of teas in the Sale Bin, I took a first stab at some new platforms for social media presence, there was a post!, and I opened up some Tea of Continue Reading →

New Beginnings

This entry is part 17 of 2 in the series Periodic Updates

I’ve written several versions of this post, and have not been entirely happy with any of them. Finally decided to start with the shortest version possible. July of last year THFKAMT informed me he was dissolving all aspects of our partnership. Included in this was losing the home we’d shared Continue Reading →